Creating Training Campaigns
This section guides you through creating training campaigns to effectively train your users.
1. To create a new Training Campaign, click on the New Campaign button.
2. Enter a Campaign Name:
3. You can also enter a Description:
4. Enter the details and click on the NEXT STEP button to proceed to the Training Content phase:
Alternatively, we can navigate to the next step(s) by directly selecting them.
5. Click on the indicated button to choose any courses from the list:
6. For this example, we will add some courses:
7. Click on the X button beside these courses in order to remove them.
8. Let’s move on to the Enroll Students step:
9. Select the target group for the training campaign:
10. For demonstration purposes, we will add the Accountants group:
For this example, we will leave everything as it is and will proceed to the Schedule step:
11. From the following option, we can select the Launch Date for the campaign. In other words, the starting time where the training material will become available for the users.
If we leave the start date blank, the campaign will immediately roll out at launch and the material will be available for all users.
12. Furthermore, we can set the end date for the campaign. Training material will no longer be available afterwards.
If we leave the end date blank, the campaign will not expire, and the material will always be available for all users.
13. Select a Timezone for the campaign and proceed to Review and Launch:
14. At the final step, you may click on the PREVIOUS button if you are unsure about the campaign details:
15. Alternatively, click on the LAUNCH button to launch the campaign:
16. On the confirmation prompt that pops up, click Launch or Cancel accordingly:
17. Click OK to finalise the process.
18. As we can see, the new training campaign has been created!
On the left side of the window, we can see the campaign details, whereas on the right-hand side we can see all the content included in that training.
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