Smart/Normal Groups

Smart Groups are dynamic and versatile. They are designed to provide a more automated and responsive approach to managing your users and their training needs. Here are the key features of Smart Groups:

  • Dynamic Enrollment: Users can be automatically added or removed from Smart Groups based on predefined criteria or rules. This ensures that the group composition is always up-to-date without manual intervention.

  • Automated Training and Phishing Campaigns: When there is an active training module or phishing campaign, new members of Smart Groups will automatically receive the relevant training materials and phishing emails. This ensures continuous and seamless security awareness and training efforts.

Normal Groups

Normal Groups offer a more static and manual approach to user management. They are straightforward and ideal for situations where group membership does not need to change frequently. Here are the key features of Normal Groups:

  • Manual Enrolment: Users are added or removed from Normal Groups manually. This allows for precise control over group composition but requires manual updates to keep the group current.

  • Fixed Training and Phishing Campaigns: Members of Normal Groups will receive training and phishing emails as assigned. However, unlike Smart Groups, new members will not automatically receive ongoing training or phishing campaigns unless they are manually added to the group.

  • Stable Group Membership: Normal Groups maintain a stable composition, making them ideal for specific training programs or campaigns where group changes are minimal.

Converting Between Group Types

Our platform provides the flexibility to convert groups from one type to another:

  • Converting Smart to Normal: If you find that a Smart Group's dynamic nature is no longer necessary, you can convert it to a Normal Group. This will fix the group composition and stop automatic updates.

  • Converting Normal to Smart: If you need a more adaptive and responsive group, you can convert a Normal Group to a Smart Group. This will enable automatic user updates and ensure that new members receive ongoing training and phishing campaigns.

Last updated