Training Reports Guide

Training Reports Guide

In this article, we focus on reports that derive from Training Campaigns. Training Reports show the overall training statistics of an organisation. In other words, they point out the following and compliance of the personnel regarding custom or provided cybersecurity awareness training courses. Moreover, reports give emphasis on an individual and group level of reporting, as well as the untrained recipients.

1. Navigate to Reports:


You should get the following output:

3. Let’s view the first option called Training Matrix. To do this, press on the View Report button next to it:

The training matrix displays training details, such as the courses used in campaigns, the recipients targeted and their current progress.

4. You may download the report for your own use. Just click on Export Excel:

This option provides further information such as emails, enrolment date, completion date and time spent on the training:

5. On the other hand, you can choose to Export PDF:

It will essentially export a snapshot of the report into a PDF file format:

6. You can always visit a recipient’s profile by clicking on their name:

7. Otherwise, click on the Go Back button to return to the previous directory:

8. Let’s move on to the next option of the Training Reports called Training Time Overview:

As this report suggests, it provides us with an overview of the training time. It presents the fluctuation of the training volume in terms of time spent throughout a timeline.

9. Moving on to the third option of the Training Reports called Training Time by Group:

This report includes a graph and a table, which demonstrate the individual training activity of groups over time. It can help you distinguish the most dedicated/efficient group of employees within your organisation.

10. Additionally, we can filter the graph to draw specific results. To do that, just click on any of the available filtering values:

In this example, we are filtering out the Training Group value:

11. Just like with recipient profiles, we can visit a group by clicking on their name:

12. Finally, let’s visit the last report called No Training Assigned Recipients:

This report lists all untrained (potentially new) employees along with some of their details. Those listed should be used as part of upcoming Training Campaigns.

Last updated