Editing Email Templates
This article provides a step-by-step guide on managing email templates. Learn how to view, copy, and edit existing templates, including changing names, categories, and subjects. Discover how to preview changes, return to previous steps, and delete templates, with clear instructions on handling each action.
1. To view the existing System Templates, click on the indicated option:
You should get the following output:
2. To view more than 10 entries in a single page, just click on the drop-down list:
3. You can filter the templates, based on the category:
4. To view a template, click on its eye button. It will open the template in a new tab on the browser.
This is essentially how the targets will view these templates via email:
5. To copy a template, click on the button shown below:
You should get the following output:
6. You can change the Email Template Name to one of your likes.
7. Additionally, you can set a different category for that template.
8. Click on NEXT STEP to proceed to the Template phase:
9. On the new prompt, you can edit the template as you wish. For example, you could change the Email Subject:
10. If you want to return to the General Information phase, there is a PREVIOUS button found at the bottom of the page.
Please note that in doing so, the Email Subject will be erased, and you will have to enter it again.
11. We can also view a Preview of the template on the right-hand side.
The rest of the details will be explained in the following steps, where we will be creating a new email template (since the process is the same).
12. You can edit an existing email template. To do that, click on the pencil symbol:
13. Click on Go Back to return to the default page:
14. Finally, to delete a page you have created, just click on the trash can button:
15. You should receive a message, essentially asking you to confirm your action. Click Delete or Cancel accordingly.
16 If you’ve selected Delete, you will then be prompted with a confirmation. Click OK to resume.
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