
Categories Guide

In this article, we explain the process of adding Categories as an admin on the admin portal. You can create custom categories to use for your custom email templates and landing pages. This will help cover a wider range of categories when designating your templates upon the creation process.

1. To create a new category, click on the button shown in the following screenshot:

The following window should then appear:

You can now fill the details for the category you would like to create.

2. Go ahead and click on the Save changes button to save your changes or the Close button if you prefer to exit the window without saving any changes.

3. Following with an example:

4. From the following image, we can see that the new category was created successfully!

5. When finished, you can edit an existing category, by pressing on the pencil button:

6. From the pop-up prompt, you can edit any of the details and press on Save changes or Close to avoid the changes.

7. Finally, if you would like to delete an existing category, you should click on the trash can symbol.

8. You should receive a message, essentially asking you to confirm your action. Click Delete or Cancel accordingly.

9. If you chose to delete the category, click OK on the final prompt:

10. The category has been removed as expected:

11. Click on the System Categories to view the system categories which are available for use:

12. You can view more than 10 entries in a single page by clicking on the indicated option of the following screenshot:

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