Group Reports Guide
Group Reports Guide
In this article, we go over all the available options of the Group Reports. It contains all group-oriented reports like the report card, the riskiest groups and the training time and phish prone by groups.
1. Navigate to Reports:
2. Select the GROUP REPORTS:
You should get the following output:
3. Let’s view the first option called Group Report Card. To do this, press on the View Report button next to it:
A report card will look like this:
In essence, the report card shares all information you would normally look for in a Group profile, but without further functionality.
4. You can choose a specific group from the drop-down list to view its Report Card.
As an example:
5. You may download the report for your own use. Just click on Export PDF:
It will essentially export a snapshot of the report into a PDF file format:
6. You can always visit a recipient’s profile by clicking on their name:
To learn more about recipients, click on the following link.
7. Furthermore, you can navigate to a course by clicking on their name:
To learn more about course content, click on the Course Catalogue article.
8. Alternatively, click on the Go Back button to return to the previous directory:
9. Let’s move on to the next option of the Group Reports called Riskiest Groups:
10. As with PDF, click on Export Excel to download the report for your own use:
11. Just like with recipient profiles and courses, we can click on a Group to view its stats.
12. Moving on to the third option of the Group Reports called Training Time by Group:
This report includes a graph and a table, which demonstrate the individual training activity of groups over time. It can help you distinguish the most dedicated/efficient group of employees within your organisation.
13. Additionally, we can filter the graph to draw specific results. To do that, just click on any of the available filtering values:
In this example, we are filtering out the Solo Group value:
14. Finally, let’s visit the last report called Phish Prone by Group:
As we can see, this section provides a graph along with a table, and they display campaign statistics such as the number of recipients targeted by the campaigns, the campaigns’ phish prone percentages and more.
Last updated