SMTP Profiles
SMTP Profiles Guide
In this article, we explain how to create custom sending SMTP Profiles as an admin on the admin portal. Custom SMTP profiles provide you the ability to relay student notifications and phishing emails from them. This eliminates the need to whitelist our SMTP (IP and hostname) server and is especially beneficial for organisations that have strict security mechanisms in place.
1. To create a new SMTP profile, select the New Profile button.
You should get the following prompt:
2. Enter the details required and select Save Profile or Cancel to negate the process.
3. When creating a custom SMTP profile, we can test whether the emails from that profile are able to reach the target’s inbox. To do that, click on the Send Test Email button:
4. Fill the details required and click on Send.
5. Click on the drop-down list to view more than 10 entries in a single page:
6. Let’s make an example:
The details shown above are for demonstration purposes. You should add your own configuration details for this to work.
7. You can use alternative ports like 25, 993, etc.
8. Make sure the Ignore Certificate Errors option is ticked.
9. As we can see, the new SMTP profile called cyberaware has been added successfully!
10. Generally, you can edit an existing profile by clicking on the pencil symbol:
11. Change the details you would like and click on Save Profile.
12. Changes were applied.
13. To copy an existing profile, select the button shown in the following image:
14. The copied profile prompt should pop up:
15. Change the details accordingly and select the Save Profile button.
16. The copied profile has been added as expected:
17. Alternatively, to delete a stored SMTP profile, click on the trash can button:
18. You should receive a message, essentially asking you to confirm your action. Click Delete or Cancel accordingly:
19. Click OK to finalise.
Last updated