Creating Recipients

In this article, we guide you through the process of creating Recipients within the platform. Recipients are employees who have access to the learning portal. You'll learn how to add new Recipients and ensure they are properly enrolled in the relevant Training Campaigns

1. Let’s create a new recipient. To do that, navigate through the Add Recipient option:

You will be prompted with the following pop up:

2. Let’s add the details for this example:

3. We clicked on Save and we were prompted with a confirmation window. Click OK to proceed.

4. The user has been created as expected!

5. Like earlier, this is an alternative place where you can archive your users. Click on the trash can symbol to proceed.

6. Go ahead and tap on Archive:

7. On the last pop up, click on OK.

8. Navigate to Archived Recipients to confirm the change:

9. To reactivate this user, click on the button shown in the following image:

10. When the prompt pops up, Restore the user:

11. Click OK to finalise:

12. The user is now restored!

13. When navigating to the Recipients section of the portal, we get the following output. Normally there wouldn’t be any recipients shown at the beginning, but we have created one for demonstration purposes.

14. You can view more than 10 entries in a single page by clicking on the indicated option of the following screenshot:

15. To view the recipient’s details, click on the eye button.

Before we continue with the rest, let’s summarise what is displayed on this specific user’s profile.

16. The Recipient Details window is split up to three parts. The first upper part shows different details and options that compose the user’s profile in addition to the risk scores:

17. The second, or else, middle part shows various details and statistics in regard to the overall training of the user.

18. Moreover, you can change the format view for the courses. That would be from Table to List and vice versa.

19. The last part of the recipient’s details window shows us whether any data breach has occurred in regad to that user. The platform crawls through the dark web and composes the following structured report with all of the retrieved information.

20. If you want to go back to the Recipients default page, click Go Back:

21. On the left-hand side, we can see the Groups in which the recipient belongs to. You can click on any of the groups appearing, so you can view them:

22. You should receive a similar output:

For further information regarding groups, click on this link so you can be redirected to the appropriate article.

Last updated